Monday, 26 May 2014

COMC Challenge Cards Part 20: Masked Mondays 29

Time for some masked additions to the binder.
If you're going to go for royalty on your mask, you might as well go for one of the more famous, and at the same time, more easily recognizable kings. There's not a lot of colour on this mask, but a simple, bold design makes up for it. The simple ankh on the chin completes it.
From only a few colours to a very bright mask from Jakob Markstrom. But, it is Florida, so it works. Plus, despite the detail, you can still tell what he's using on the design from a distance. So did his second design, which used the Panthers logo.

His new mask in Vancouver goes right back to the immediately recognizable theme with the use of the Canucks orca, and it is a definite want for me when the 2014 releases drop.

OK. This one isn't really on its way to the binder. But this simple face protector really gives a creepy Phantom of the Opera vibe.

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