Monday 9 June 2014

Just one Pack ... of 2014 Prizm

License or no license, I'll try anything when it comes down to just a single pack.
Here's the first card out. Fairly typical Prizm-y design on this.
And a slightly different design for the rookies. I think I prefer the base, since it has a slight home plate feel to it.
WOO-HOO! I don't care if the card is licensed or not, I'm always happy to welcome new faces to the various collections of my favourite teams. John Salmons joined the Raptors portion last week. Cody Ceci will join the Senators collection shortly, and here's a new Met for that collection. While I think Matt will make an appearance in something from Topps, it is always nice to add a first.
Here's the backs of the cards. Nice and colourful.
A nice insert that will go to someone who can't have Too Many Verlanders.
Although I do wonder if he'll count 3 usages of the same photo of Justin on the same card qualifies as "Too Many"
And this wraps it up. It looks like a spring training shot for the Cano, so maybe that is a Mariners uni that has been photoshopped into nothingness instead of a Yankees one.

All in all, one card really did save this pack.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Prizm set and have opened a decent amount. If you collect autos it is a nice way to get them very cheap. Five Pirates are in the 2014 set and can be had for around 5 bucks. A lot of the autos are on card too.
