Tuesday 5 December 2017

Stacks of Wax December 2017 - Part 4 - Field Access Case Box 1

I'm going to work my through the boxes one box per post, with one pack at a time, and highlight the autos, interesting photos and numbered parallels as I cover all 12 boxes. I'm not feeling overly creative about what order to post everything in, so, you'll get them in the same order I opened them.

Pack 1:
A really great photograph comes out of the first pack's All Access insert set, as Barry Sanders is carried off on his teammates' shoulders after reaching the 2000 yard single-season rushing mark.
My first auto is Austin Seferian-Jenkins. I'm not the biggest fans of abbreviating an auto down to initials, but when you have a massive name that does easily reduce down to initials, you can get away with it.
And my first base parallel, with this green parallel being out of 50.

Pack 2:
Another numbered parallel in this pack - the gold ones are out of 99.
The autograph is a pretty good one. Field Access may be a sticker dump, albeit one with great photos, but that does mean some really good names can slip into the mix, such as this Jamaal Charles which combines both of them nicely.

Pack 3:
There are definitely some unique pictures in this. This shows how to make a really memorable photo of a player with a post-career shot.  I'd actually just put the base version on my COMC watchlist a few days prior, so this saves me some credit. As a bonus, this is a /50 green parallel.
On some of these, the back of the card shows where the photo came from.
And the auto. He's still in the league, now with the Ravens.

Pack 4:
I actually posted the Silas Redd base card when I busted my first, solo box of this. It deserves another spotlight.
Your auto is an interesting one as well. And it is one for my secondary team collection. Not bad looking for a sticker-graph as well.

I guess I can end this post with the obligatory MST3K video. 11 boxes left!


  1. I've seen a lot of this stuff opened. There are some good veteran autographs in here. Not a bad product at all.

  2. I never thought this was a terribly interesting product but it's at least nice that you get a good chance at some decent autos.

    Also, will you please pull the Devin Funchess and Devin Gardner RCs I need so I don't have to buy them myself? ;-)

  3. I never paid much attention to the checklist beyond Charles Sims and Mario Alford. Some big names in there. Hope you get one of the big current quarterback signatures.
