Monday 16 March 2015

Pay for a Blaster. Get a Hobby Box. - Part 1 of 2

Well, not really a hobby box. This is whatever name Panini gave to the second level of their Prestige 2014 basketball release about the loose packs/blaster level. I had no plans to build this set, but, with Target Canada liquidating, why not pick up a box just for fun? 10 packs. 6 cards each. 3 hits along with numbered cards in this box, along with inserts. And not just any base cards. The bottom of the box proclaims these as Base Plus and Rookies Plus.

Pack 1:
These scan poorly. So poorly that you lose some of the design with it. The left side of the card is a second foil image of the player. While it is reused on the Caron Butler, with the posed photo, cards with action images feature two different photos on the front. Of to a good start as well with the box, pulling a pair of numbered /199 cards. Interestingly collation-wise, one of them 20/199, and the other is 21/199.

Pack 2:
My first hit from the box. I thought the box promised at least one on-card rookie autograph, so I presumed still be waiting for that. The paltry signature is numbered to /49. This pack featured my first (and only, if I recall correctly, Raptor in the box). What is the connection between Joe Dumars and Dwayne Wade? They're both NBA Finals MVPs and NBA All-Defensive team guards.

Pack 3:
Some players get a photoshoot for their new uniforms. Some get the 80s O-Pee-Chee-esque "Signed By Hornets on 7/18/14".

Pack 4:
For the guilt-free basketball types out there, I think this Lopez was also the only Blazer I found in this box. The cards where the player in question has his feet off the ground in the main photo look really nice in this format. The Rondo is a parallel /49. Nice to land something for my secondary team collection in this.

Pack 5:
And there's the on-card rookie auto of the box. It is a nice one as well, especially for my fledgling Canadians in the NBA collection. I've got a few relics, but this is my first autograph for that. I was surprised to see Kevin Love with Minnesota in this set, but this particular card salutes his winning shot in a game against the Mavs, so it is appropriate, despite there being base card of his on Cleveland.

That's the halfway point!


  1. "What is the connection between Joe Dumars and Dwayne Wade?"

    Dumars should have drafted Wade instead of Darko, THAT's the connection!

  2. Not bad! My Target's trading cards are now at 50% off, but all that is left is 1 pack of 2014-15 Fleer Ultra ($5 normally!!) in the toys aisle, 2 blasters of 2014 CFL Football and a bunch of those kids hangers, like How To Train Your Dragon and all that. Oh yeah, and a lone box of 2012-13 Limited, which, fingers crossed, is still there once it reaches 70% off. :)
