Saturday 23 November 2019

2015 Field Access Box Break

2015 Field Access is one of my favourite football products to bust. even though it was a pure sticker dump with Topps getting out of the NFL business. Interesting photos and a guarantee of no redemptions makes it a worthwhile older product to bust. I went through a case of the product a few years back, if you want to check out some of the photo choices. As for this, I'll hit the notable cards in the break.
I should probably show off at least one of the base cards, so here's my favourite from the four packs. The last gasp of dirt infields showing up in football cards will be this season as Oakland moves away from the Coliseum.
I couldn't decide which of these blue parallels I liked more - the 2/14 collection addition or Sammy Watkins sporting the throwback helmet. So, I scanned both.
Here's three of the inserts. Adrenaline Rush inserts > All Access inserts.
That's despite it being one of the numbered parallels in the box. That might be the most unkempt Howie Long's hair has ever looked on a card. The green is /50, with the purple being /25.
And here's your autographs.

For a 2015 product, I lucked with the three of the guys still in the league at this point. That Winston would have been an insane pull at the time, especially since that gold parallel is /99. Maybe he'll get a career resurgence in a new city next season, sorta like Kirk Cousins.

And there you have it! I'll be chasing some more stickergraphs tomorrow in 2006 UD Legends.

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad break with Cousins and Jameis. People really under estimate this product.
