Tuesday 14 March 2017

Too Many 2/14s?

There's no such thing as to many 2/14s, as I'm now 1556 cards deep into the collection, but it seems like a good title for the first of several posts that will show off cards from a recent trade from Too Many Manninghams.
Some 8x10 goodness starts the package off.
And one over-sized card deserves another. Fortunately, Dennis was kind enough to put both these in an appropriate binder page, so these can fit right into the binder as is.
And here's some more of Bledsoe, pushing his total to 41 cards.
Since I have so much Titans content of Steve McNair, it was nice that his three cards in here commemorate his time in Houston and Baltimore. Even though I guess that Oilers card is a Tennessee card as well. He's now at 49 cards.
David Garrard continues the QB theme so far in this post with a /100 Red Zone parallel. This is his 34th card.
But the 2/14 content wasn't all football, it wraps with a trio of Milan Hejduks in all their shiny glory.

And there you have aprox. 1/3 of the package that showed up last week. I won't go through it all back-to-back-to-back, but should finish the rest off in the next week or so.


  1. Were those Bledsoe 8 x 10s part of his Xmas giveaway? I know he had a lot of items like that available.

    I need to find a list of 2/14 players and get back to you about our potential trade. Hopefully I'll have time today since I'm snowed in.
