Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Just one pack...of 1993 Pinnacle Series 1

OK. This wasn't something from my LCS. I actually acquired this pack as part of a trade with Shane @ Shoebox Legends. I figured that since I enjoyed busting this pack of 2-decade-plus old cards, it deserved a post of its own.

I just as easily could have done this with the two packs of 1987 O-Pee-Chee leaders, but I wanted to keep the one pack theme going, and I the packs pretty much disintegrated upon opening, thus meaning I wouldn't have a very good scan of it. (The cards were fine, though)

27 cards for $3.99. How things have changed.
Ken Griffey Jr. - Ken Jr. is always a great way to start a pack, whether in 1993 or 2014.
Cal Eldred
Eddie Murray - The only Mets card among the 27.
Barry Larkin
Dennis Martinez - And 1 of 2 Expos cards.
Andy Benes
Mark McGwire - Actually, Mr.Ms. Pinnacle Card Writer Person, I can think of another reason why McGwire's power numbers went up.
Tom Pagnozzi - Not the most flattering play at the plate shot for Pagnozzi.
Shane Mack
Matt Nokes
Eric Karros: Team 2001 - Hey, an insert! It's 1993, so there are no odds on the pack.
Robin Yount: Now & Then - It's a shame that a small portion of this card was stuck to the back of the Karros.
Bret Boone
Rafael Bournigal - In this picture, Rafael Bournigal looks like every high school shop teacher in any 50s or 60s teen movie. And the actor playing the shop teacher is probably the same age as the actors playing the high school students.
Bob Wickman
Delino DeShields: Idols
Tim Pugh
Melvin Nieves
Kevin Seitzer
Glenallen Hill - And wrapping up the scans this pack with a nice moment of impact shot.
Lance Johnson
John Smoltz
Randy Milligan
Scott Erickson
Kevin Gross
Tim Teufel
John Orton

Not bad at all. Thanks for the random pack, and I'll get to the rest of the trade tomorrow.


  1. Could Dave Fleming be the most obscure "cover boy" in pack history?

  2. That's the first Now&Then card I see that I prefer the Then side of it..
