Monday 14 January 2019

Pack Sampler

No LCS trips for me so far in 2019, so I'll dip into my collection of already scanned cards for a pack from December, a single jumbo pack of 2018 Bowman Draft.
I always judge a product by the first card. In this case, it is guy named Osiris so it is an amazing start. This should indicate a high enjoyment level of a product, but I haven't busted any packs since this one.
There are chrome parallels.
And the shiny refractors.
And a numbered parallel. How can a photo, where the player is pitching the ball, have the baseball look more photoshoppped than the jersey?
Here's an insert. I guess I can't complain about landing a Yankees card here when I get a Mets card in the Chromes.
And I landed an autograph! Lynch was a supplemental first round pick, and the interesting design to the 'D' in the autograph probably puts him in the upper echelon in terms of penmanship among the 2018 draft class.

There you have it!

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