Monday, 21 January 2019

Mulitple Mets

My COMC to-be-posted box awaits, and today, nothing but Mets cards escape the box.
While I'd expect a photo like this to appear on a Stadium Club card, I wouldn't expect something this from Bowman. This is just a perfect use of the horizontal format for a photo. Lurking in the background is a pretty obscure Cubs player, as Tommy Shields sported #1 for the Cubs back in 1993, and only made a handful of appearances.
I'm somewhat surprised that this isn't a photo of Orosco from the actual World Series days of the Mets.
I didn't bust too much Heritage High #s this year, so I had to rely on COMC to get my hands on the 5 card Miracle insert series from this year. While it is filled with the usual suspects, how much fun is it to pull acquire Al Weis card from a 2018 set?
And to keep the theme, here we have a whole bunch more cards either from Heritage, or with a retro theme to them. The Cedeno is the only numbered card in this group, being a /100 glossy parallel. Which actually isn't very retro at all.

But there you have it!

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