Saturday 9 November 2013

Not quite Expo Goodies Post #1 - 4 from Sportlots

Since a small portion of the cards I picked up at the Expo were ones that are intended to head stateside, I still haven't begun to really sort through them  yet. That leaves time for some small posts today before I really start digging in tomorrow and posting the goodies.

And there were some goodies. That Brendan Gallagher (thanks Capt. Canuck), I posted yesterday wasn't even close to the best pull from the Panini Redemption. At best, I'd put it as my 5th favourite of the bunch.

Maybe 4th, but that's because I'm certain that some Dodger bloggers  might be interested in one of the other pulls.

Anyhow, here's something to tide me over. A simple 4 card envelope from sportlots. 5 cards is where the insane shipping to Canada charges start, so it is easy to stop there.
Firstly, a case of "saw a picture of the card, it went on the wantlist". Here's a beautiful farewell/sunset card of Ozzie Smith. While I guess the capturing of a spectacular defensive play would have also worked, it is hard to really hate any card featuring a tip of the cap. It reminds me of Lidstrom's cardboard farewell from last year's Upper Deck set.
This one dropped off my Top 10 list with the envelope's appearance. While Bruce did make a stop in the NFL, this USFL card was the only appearance on a card of this 2/14 baby.
Seeing this card pop up during the Nachos Grande group break made me upset I grabbed the Mets instead of the Jays, although one of the later pulls changed that. It's a throwback uniform from the Chatham Colored All-Stars, and were worn during a game at Shea Stadium. A beautiful addition for my Delgado collection!
And finally, here's the fourth card. I'm not sure what I like more. The fro, or the nice view of the stadium behind Rowland.

I'll finally post some of the goodies from the NG Break, and by then I should finally have some sort of sorting done from the Expo. And that's not counting the set building cards.

1 comment:

  1. The Smith is definitely one of my all-time favorite sunsets. Such a beautiful piece.
