Thursday 9 June 2022

2022 Adventures in Repacks - Part 18.4 - Forgotten but not Gone


It is a fine start to the finale with 2/14 baby Tyler Clippard. A dupe, but it was nice to see him as one of the visible cards.

I love the 80s jackets sported on those cards. Even though neither one features a team that I cheer for, I'd still wear them until they were threadbare. That's an interesting repack coincidence as well on the bottom, with 3 cards of Joses. All that amazingness almost makes you forget that there is also a play at the plate card in this mix as well. Repack greatness!
There is the second appearance of that '89 Fleer of Filer. Seeing a Mariners cap and a Rated Rookie on a 1989 Donruss had to be a little disappointing at the time when you'd see Erik Hanson and not Griffey. 
Looks like there was a bonus card in this portion. I'll just pretend it was one of the three Mets cards in this bunch. Lilly has a pretty nice 'point of release' photo for a generally bland Bowman release. Appropriately for this particular repack, there's a final gasp of Update sets in this batch, with both of those 1986 Topps being from their traded set.

There you have it!

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