Thursday 16 May 2024

Sportlots, 2/14s and the Quest for 4000

 The climb continues!

This card was actually the reason I grabbed a bunch of sportlots cards for the 2/14 collection. After adding some alternate jerseys and some masks to my Expo acquisitions, I'd completely forgotten Mrazek's base card in Extended. So, I added this, and then combo'd up for a bunch more.
There wasn't that much variety in this. Only Eric Nystrom joined Mrazek in the one-and-done club, shown with the two-and-done Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights. 
Now we're into the volume. Those Total cards of Gaborik are different cards - one is the Gaborik base card - the other is the Minnesota Wild team checklist. I'm not too sure if that's suitable or not for a release like Total.
But Milan Hejduk retained his lead in the collection's numbers game with these 8 new additions. It's now a 3 card lead with 258 total.
To break up the monopoly, let's end with a couple football cards!

There you have it!

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