Wednesday 6 July 2022

2022 Adventures in Repacks - Part 21.3 - Forgotten, but not Gone

The packs in this repack were a pair of 2013 Updates, a 2012 Series 2 Jumbo and a 2013 Bowman Chrome. I'll go with the volume and do Jumbo pack today, and hit the rest tomorrow.
Assuming that I organized things correctly, this would have been the first card out of the jumbo pack. Either that, or I wasn't very good at putting these things together at the time.
Canadian content!

It is a dupe, but I must highlight 2/14 content.
There weren't any Mets among the 35ish cards, but I did get a couple of  Blue Jays. They were still photoshopping the jerseys for the logo change for this, and they probably should have paid the 10-year old they were using more if that Kelly Johnson was any indication.
Here's some fairly Panini-friendly images. I wonder if they would have to edit out the YS on the sign in front of Evan. 
The photo battle here foes to a pair of horizontal issues. That's a mighty chaotic play-at-the-plate, and photos where the player is not touching the ground in any way always comes off as unique.
Were there inserts? Of course there were inserts! Even long-expired ones from contests count. I did end up with a die-cut Steve Carlton from those, so at least that did turn into something at one point. 

There you have it!

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