Saturday 3 August 2019

Mailbag: Too Many Verlanders

The Simcoe Day long weekend seems like a perfect time to get caught up on the mailbag, with the bonus knowledge that no new packages will show up to add to the backlog. 3 traders! 3 posts! Let's attack this in order, with the the Too Many Verlanders mailer being the first to arrive.
This post will be all over the place, so I'll open with the only card that is sort of on its own - a basketball addition to the 2/14 collection. Here's a game-worn warm-up (on the bench between time on court, I'll assume) of Rip Hamilton.
That's a nice lead-in to some of the other 2-14 content in the bubbler, with a nice grouping of cards adding to the most numerous members of the collection.
I'd actually wanted to add a McNair autograph to my collection for a bit, and almost made it my New Year's collecting resolution. But I don't do those for non-collecting reasons, so why should that intrude into this? It is a little hard to see as the pen seems to be fading as it got 2389 signatures into the 3000 card run, but there is an auto sorta blending into the jersey.
Staying with football, here a couple new Bills, in mini form and in abrasively loud mid 90s Fleer form.
And here's a Bills auto/relic. It's a busy signature, but Gragg still is probably in the upper half when it comes to having a decent-looking signature. I can parse more than half the letters in his name, and that usually is enough to place you in that portion.
A magenta printing plate of CJ Spiller ends the Bills portion of the mailer.
And leads perfectly into some more plates for the Sens portion of my collection.
And some Alfie plates as well.
Not as good of a segue as before, but I have to go into the baseball portion somehow. I've bought maybe one pack each of Series 1 and Series 2, so I welcome the help for this portion of the Jays collection.
And let's end this mailer recap with a finding of Nimmo!

Thanks for all these goodies, Dennis! I've got a few goodies set aside to return fire. Hopefully by Labour Day.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis always sends great stuff. I like that Rip relic at the top of this post.

    Also, did you happen to catch a Drew Bledsoe 3-color patch relic on COMC? I can't remember the seller, but he had a Whitey Ford relic, Bob Gibson relic, and the Bledsoe for about $3-4 each. If I wasn't at work I would have grabbed them all and saved the Drew for you.
