Friday 2 February 2018

All About the Penmanship

Time for the distaff side of things to get some handwriting love.
The calculations show that Titus Worldwide really knew what they were doing when they recruited Dana to crunch the numbers. At least in terms of having a legible signature through her entire name. There are a few contenders for nicest auto on the ladies side, even if some do abbreviate things.
I want to say it was an appearance on the Raz blog that inspited me to throw this one into my cart for penmanship reason. Great cursive, and I love the 'f' and the 'J' looping together as one. Perfect for my first bowler autograph!

And there you have it! Hopefully, I'll finally have some Series 1 tomorrow.


  1. I just want a Becky Lynch auto. I know her auto is kinda weak, but....

  2. Yeah, that f and j is pretty cool! It was one of the first things that I noticed before reading what you wrote.

  3. Handwriting love? I'm way too distracted to focus on that right now.
