Sunday 12 November 2023

2022-23 Metal Universe Box Break

This was one of two boxes I broke at the show this past Friday. I was going to pick up a box of SPX, since it did have Brady Tkachuk on the box - but this was $50 cheaper.
The base design is exactly what expects from this product. Lots of silver in an odd pattern on the background, and a rather bland photo. At least you got a throwback uniform photo here.
The back finds the happy medium between one year of stats, and five years of stats. 
The 7 card packs contain 4 regular base card from 1-100, 1 SPd star from 101-150 and 1 rookie from 151-200. With this make-up, and the latter eventually being available on epack, I might actually go for this set. 

The final card per pack was either an insert or parallel.
Most common among them were the Premium Prospects (3 advertised per box) and the Retro Rookies. I guess getting the top draft pick and an alternate jersey is a successful enough break for me.

Aspects, which give more of a technical version of the 1993 Leaf backgrounds, are easily my favourite of the bunch. I'd say the same about anything that gives that vibe, though.
Some horizontal inserts. Blah.
There's one acetate card per box, coming from various insert sets. Neither is really that exciting, but that's probably the blandness of the card making me think that. 

There's nothing super special about these inserts. No shiny metallic element except for a little silver on the two things on the card that read 'Metal'. But it is fairly rare coming in at 1:75 packs, or 1 every five hobby boxes.
There's no guaranteed hit in the box, so I struck out on the auto. However, this first card is easily better than an autograph of a rookie that only saw the NHL for a handful of games. A coveted Precious Metal Gems card! They're numbered to /100, but even that's broken down a bit with the first 10 being green, and the following 90 being red. It should at least put a significant dent in the cost of the box.

As for the purple, that's a Retro Purple Spectrum FX Parallel. Those are /199. With this and the Vilardi, truly a box fit for a King(s fan).
And the auto I didn't get in the box came from the Expo bonus pack! And Choice is back! For the handful that demanded it!

There you have it!


  1. The Aspects inserts are awesome! If there are any Sharks on the checklist... I'll be hunting them down.

    1. Bummer. Checked COMC... and didn't see any Sharks.

  2. It's odd for me to say this, but the two coolest cards were LA Kings.

    Also... UD Choice is back!?!?
