Saturday 29 October 2022

A Date with the Randomizer

 Today, I'm highlighting some group break cards. These were ones I got into just to get a nice sampler of cards from sets I enjoy, without having to pick up a full box. I'm crossing sports in this, with cards from Luminance football and Chronicles basketball. 

The Randomizer landed on Washington for me in the Luminance, and it did mean I got a card of one of the better names in the 2022 rookie class with Phidarian Mathis. Not so much in terms of value, but just in terms of having a great name. 
Here's some numbered parallels. I only got one base parallel when I was in a pick-your-team with the Bills, so this one wins out in terms of both numbered cards, and that all these are lower numbered than the /249 of Gabriel Davis.
And I also landed one more autograph than I did with the Bills break. It's a pretty nice looking auto for one that is little beyond an initials-only one. This card also has a slight sparkle to the background, one that doesn't really show up in the scan. This is also a photo variation of the autograph, because of course it is. While the numbered cards will likely end up at COMC, I'm going to hold on to this one. 

The Chronicles randomizer landed me the Pacers.
That means an Oregon Ducks collector will get some Chris Duarte at some point in a package sent westward. But not in my next package, since I taped it up and sent it out before these arrived. Because I AM AN IDIOT!
But I will hang on to one, since the write-up here did mention his ties to Montreal. With this and Chris Boucher, they've done very well in prepping players for the NBA that have ties to the city.
Unlike with the Raptors portion of this set, there's also some variety in terms of the players available as well. Because of how odd the set is, both numbered cards at the top are not parallels, but  base cards. 
But the Prizm card here is an actual parallel. Long live the Short Attention Span greatness that is Chronicles!
And I also landed an auto here! While a veteran auto of TJ Warren might not rank on par with an on-card auto of a rookie QB,  at least he does actually appear to be Airborne in the photograph! Even if he wasn't airborne at all last season, having not played at all since late 2020 due to injury.

There you have it!

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