Wednesday 8 September 2021


 Another mailer arrived at chez buckstorecards, this one from the Night Owl.

Vintage is always a fun way to start off a post, and this one goes all the way back to 1961! Check out that logo! That's enough to already make this a great card! McGrew only spent one season in the AFL and that was it for his pro career. It is also easily my oldest Bills card in the collection. WOO-HOO!
And here's an auto as well! Cavil was also one-and-done with the Bills and the NFL, but did spend several years for the rest of the 00s in the CFL. A nice little obscure addition.
The Mets had a small, but tasty representation with this Hostess card from 1976.
Or if you want something a little healthier, here's some 1986 entries.

Random Vladdy!

Blue Jays content the rest of the way home!

There may not be any real vintage option for this team,  but there are some throwback uniforms.
Random Delgados!

2 sets I bought absolutely none of this year, likely to never seeing any in WallyWorld - Donruss and Opening Day. I didn't know there was a "The 6" variant until seeing this card. Given that this alternate name was popularized by Drake, shouldn't this be more of a variant for Raptors cards?
I definitely did a little bit of Stadium Club this year. I didn't  get any of these Jansen parallels from those breaks and busts.
Let's add some numbered cards into the mix - the Portraits cards are super-exciting beige variations /250.
Considering I already started loading up for my next mailer to Night Owl on the weekend with my box of Pro Debut and an auto from that, it is only suitable there's a baseball auto in this one. Josh Donaldson is definitely someone that I'd been flirting with adding a Toronto autograph of his to my collection, but I never pulled the trigger on one at COMC, and the local sticker shock has definitely kept me from buying one at local shows. Now, that's no longer an issue with a beautiful on-card sig out of 2015 Finest. 

And hey, that was his MVP season, so it really his finest!

Thanks for these goodies, Owl! As always, I'm reloading for the next mailer!


  1. That vintage Bills card is sweet! I definitely don't have enough from that era. Greg's another guy I associate with the Bills so I'm not surprised that you two trade them back and forth.

  2. I'm glad you know what "the 6" means because I sure didn't.

  3. So McGrew played one season for the Bills, was all-AFL second team, then lost the starting job and never played in the AFL again after that one season.

  4. 2003 Portraits is one of those sets that flies under collectors' radars. It's such a great looking set.
