Friday 2 September 2022

See You in the Gizmoplex!


Another new episode of MST3K will be airing tonight, and given that it is the Million Eyes of Sumuru, it is the perfect time to show off my newest autograph of a MSTed performer. While Shirley Eaton is probably best known for her role in Goldfinger, which is where this auto comes from, she also starred in TMEoS, which was riffed back in the pre-cable days of the show, and is now joining the lot of Sandy Frank dubs from that era that get a re-riffing.

While the original did have a killer pun that Frankie Avalon was working without Annette, there were also some cringeworthy racist Asian riffs as well. So, I'm glad to see this one get a proper riffing tonight courtesy of Jonah and the bots.


  1. Great card and she is a looker!

  2. Nice pickup. Looking forward to tonight's premiere.

    Just the other day I was watching one of the Master Ninja episodes from the monthly vault picks and realized I had another MST performer autograph with the lovely Jennifer Runyon, who got a Ghostbusters auto card a few years back.

  3. Nice auto! I long for the days where non sports sets were more easily found in retail.
