Wednesday 30 November 2022

2022 Adventures in Repacks - Part 38 - Dollarama Trios


A three pack of repacks today, as I feel like scanning a lot of cards!
I'll go left-to-right through them, starting with what was behind the McLeod. Both of the 12 card repacks actually held 13 cards, so YAY! That's a very, very nice start as well, as that French variation of Scott Stevens is new to my Kitchener Rangers alum collection. A PC need is always a nice little surprise in a junk wax grouping.
That PC hit is nice, but getting a completely obscure card is even better. So, my favourite in the first repack is that Esbjors card. A quick trip to COMC showed me that this is from 1995 Leaf Elit Set. That even overshadows a Satan appearance!
It ends on a 2/14 guy, but it is a dupe, so this becomes the lesser of the two PC finds.
Behind Skjei, it becomes likely that there were a lot of Lumme cards around repack HQ. We get a classic airbrush special, as a Jets uniform becomes a logo-less Penguins one. Despite the presence of 1990 Bowman, it gets dwarfed by the 1990 Score content in these 4-1. Even if it occasionally meant there were some hideous sets, I still miss SPX as a mid-level set with lots of base cards. 
Another Kitchener alum with David Shaw continuing the Ranger ways. 
Best photo among the hanger repacks easily goes to this face-off photo. Always nice and intense. 

Only 3 items in the bag, but we'll see what it contains.
I hope they didn't mean a current superstar in that pack, since Neely is the biggest name in this portion, and it really isn't close. Yandle was a perfectly fine player, but, no. 
All three of these would qualify for the mask binder, but only the Talbot isn't a dupe. 
And the Score pack was also incredibly dull. I'm just showing off Mikko Makela's card because his name is fun to say out loud. 

I should have just picked up another hanger pack.

But there you have it!

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