Tuesday, 2 July 2024

More Budget Prospecting

With another box of 2023 Elite Extra Edition that I busted a while back, and am finally getting around to scanning.

Usually, I try to maintain the cards in pack order for this product. But I mixed things together while scanning some for tcdb images, and they ended up out of order. Fortunately, these packs were predictable with how they were assembled. One base card. One insert. One numbered parallel. Two hits. So I can at least maintain some sort of order in showing them off.

These are the base cards. Wyatt Crowell is a Dodgers pick, so that will probably be part of a future Night Owl mailer. Austin Troesser is the first Mets card I'll end up with this. The only non-pitcher in this group is the highest draft pick among these, 25th overall to the Padres.
Your parallels. Even if he's listed as an International, Rodriguez is my second Mets card of the post. He's a 17-year old prospect out of Venezuela. If he makes the big leagues, this will be a nice little item in the team PC. It is numbered to just 10. The Hales is also interesting, at least if you have a bit of immaturity in you. Those particular die-cuts are numbered to the player's jersey number, subtracted from 100. Hales wears #31.
So, it is numbered /69. Nice.
And the inserts. Nothing mind-blowing here aside from my first card of Dylan Crews. That's Blake Mitchell of the Royals on the unreadable foil on the Future Star Status card.
The relics. I guess patches aren't a thing on DPL uniforms, because that /7 parallel is built for a really thick swatch to be attached, but it is just a multi-color piece from the jersey. It is still a neat little item.
The first auto is one I'll be waiting a little bit for. But it should eventually turn into a Night Owl bound Dodgers-graph.
A couple DPL signatures. Sure, you might have to wait until the international signings period to find out if/where they are heading to in terms of MLB affiliation, but at least they have more interesting signatures than most of the other autos in modern releases. 

And one of them has the initials ZZ. That can't be anything but great!
Hidden Gems probably is just a nicer way to say "We still have some of their stickers around". White (Marlins) is still doing the minor league thing this season, but DeVos (Astros) has been injured. 
Mets card #3! Williams has struggled a little this year with a move up to AA, but a move up the ladder still means their first rounder from '22 is progressing through the system. And given the up-and-down nature of his full name, the signature does look kinda readable. As long as I don't look for the M or any of the vowels in his last name. 
Finally, a couple die-cut autographs to end the box. With guys named Jett and ZZ already showing up, Roccaforte still might be the best name in the box. These are also the only two numbered autographs in the box, with Winokur being a far rarer /35. 

But there you have it! 

1 comment:

  1. Is there any possibility that the Hiro Wyatt might be available for trade? I coached against him in HS (non-zero chance that the card photo is from when we played them, as it's his HS team's home uniform) and didn't actually know that he had already been in card sets.
