Sunday 6 October 2024


Today, it's the non-Mets, non-Blue Jays stuff that I haven't shown off yet from the TMV mailer. I'm hesitating on those posts, because that's going to require a lot of scanning, and I'm super lazy.

This really doesn't hit any of my collections, but I do love me some backboard-cam!
The basketball portion ends with 2, or at least 1.5 entries into my small Cancon collection.
Set builders! Tauchman was the last non SP I needed for Gallery. With the numbers, it is still probably a pipe dream, but I'll keep the list up nonetheless.
A few non-Mets additions to the Piazza collection. That includes one of my favourite non-Mets cards - any of him with the Marlins. There are some Mets cards coming when I stop being lazy and start scanning the Mets content from the mailer. Will I get to it this month? Maybe. This year? Probably a better estimate.
Finally, an item of which others have been hallmarks of recent TMV mailers - one of those printing plate booklets that have shown up in recent issues of The Cup, UD's highest of the high end releases. And it remains one of my favourite decisions of a card company in recent years. Anyhow, that's Derek Stepan in black, cyan, magenta and yellow form on the card. It is one of three I have, all from 20-21 Extended, and all from Dennis trades, with Gudbranson and Brown being the others. 5 more until the ultimate base card plate reunion!

There you have it!

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