If you've seen the recent Night Owl post, you'd know I recently received a bunch of PWEs from Night Owl in the past couple weeks. I might as well start working my way through 7(!) of them, hoping there's no more to come that will force an update.
This was the first card that I saw I when I opened the very first envelope. It had to be a sign I was in for some fun cards. Given the awkwardness of everything here, including the fact the bunt obviously wasn't successful, I guess he annoyed someone at Fleer HQ enough for them to choose this photo for Super Joe.Happy Mookie always makes for a great card.I'v Much as I like these dated cards, I'm disappointed that I'll never be able to add a baseball one into my 2/14 collection.These envelopes were so filled I'm going to have to just pile things up the rest of the way home. Pre-game workout is definitely a theme I don't see much of on cards. Or maybe this is from spring training. Either way - unique. Boy, could I go for some Quaker Chewy Granola Bars right about now - I'm not certain as to why.That's a nice display of penmanship, even in facsimile form.Wasn't that Alvarez entry from Finest loud enough for you? Here's Brett Baty to compete in assaulting your eyes!That McEwing might have been the strangest photo choice of the bunch, but 2002 Fleer also provided one of the better photos here, as Edgardo Alfonzo is sporting New York Cubans throwbacks on his card. The Mets played the Blue Jays on that date, and I also have cards featuring Toronto sporting the Chatham Coloured All-Stars uniforms. Also, with 7 appearances, 1999 Bowman was the easy volume winner in the first stack of envelopes.
First stack?
Yup. Because another 3 showed up a few days later.
Oddly enough, the first card I saw when I started digging into the envelopes was another bunting photo.Instead of cards having cartoons on the back, let's just make the whole card the cartoon.But there were definite contenders for that among some of the Mosaic cards. Also: ARCHIVES! Baseball Heroes came out of nowhere to tie 1999 Bowman with 7 cards, moving up from the 1 in the first group. But that's only enough for a tie for second place, as 2000 Skybox Dominion made a grand total of 9 appearances between both rounds of PWEs. Kris Benson's time in the Mets was definitely memorable, although likely more due to his wife's promise if she ever caught him cheating. That was from the Mets' "Any publicity is good publicity" era.And that's the Mets portion of my most recent PWE onslaught. But there's more PWE stuff to come!
Thanks for all these!
There are definitely more to come.