Thursday, 19 December 2024

Four if by Sportlots

 I've got a pile of Sportlots cards on the way, so it makes sense to go through a small 4-card envelope that arrived a long time ago before I get to some cards that will likely arrive a long time in the future, given holidays and CP backlog.

First up, a Mets card. Rodney's time with the Mets was short, but incredibly effective. He had 1 plate appearance, and got a hit in that appearance. It was even a game-winning single, but not enough to get him into any games as anything other than a pinch runner. 

Still, he's far more famous for running through the wall during a Triple A game in Portland.

The only thing better than a bunting photo...
is a second bunting photo. Forgettable mid 00's facial hair notwithstanding. At least that being considered a good idea didn't last too long.
Speaking of lasting long, I'm sure nothing bad would ever happen to the Metrodome roof behind Joey Porter in this photo. Nothing at all. 

There you have it! 

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