Thursday 20 June 2024

2024 Adventures in Repacks - Part 19 - Nothing But the Hits

 One of the final repacks I still have around from the last big order. 

This was a three hit football repack.

The first card out was probably my favourite of the bunch. It hits my sweet spot of being a very obscure player to even have a hit (he'd spend time in New England, but it looks like only on the Practice Squad), as well as a team that I don't think I have in my collection in any form - South Carolina State. 
Even with this being a numbered patch, and a photo in a throwback jersey, I still like the obscurity factor more. If someone wanted to trade for this, it would be a lot easier for me to agree to a swap for this versus the Love. 
2/3 of the cards were of the NCAA variety. The autograph itself is as close as one can get to an "Initials Only" autograph without being one. But if I had a three initial name on a card, I'd probably be tempted to sign it as such myself. He also signed diagonally on the diagonal, a nice little bonus for the design. Another bonus from this being NCAA vs NFL is that the Maryland logo is so much more interesting than the Raiders one. 

There you have it!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Bey was one of those really fast guys the Raiders fell in love with, that ended up not being very good at football.
