Sunday 12 December 2021

Watch Out For Snakes!


Here's my latest auto from a cast member that received a roasting from MST3K (*3 - Eegah, Phantom Planet, Human Duplicators) joins that mini-collection. I've got 2 more on the way as well, probably arriving March-ish from COMC.

This is my third that has its origins in a Bond themed release, Interestingly, all three come from different companies. I have a 4th sitting in my COMC inventory, that of Shirley "Goldfinger" Eaton, who will be riffed for the second time in The Million Eye of Sumuru during Season 13, with that movie also being done in the KTMA era.

There you have it!


  1. Ha, I've got 2 of these 3 cards. Guess I need to pick up an Eaton.

    Excited for season 13 coming in March! Packers! Woo!

  2. Voting for Munro. Jaws made it close though.
