Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Penmanship Binder Newness

I haven't done a post exclusively saluting legibility in signatures since August. It seems like it is time to go around again with this.

Zach Evans may have only been a sixth round pick, but in terms of legibility, he should have at least been selected in the second round. I'd put him as a first rounder, but the V in his last name is a little off on some of the stickers. Such as this one. But that's a minor quibble, since 8 out of 9 is still far better than many of the draftees today.
Vance Johnson was definitely a mainstay of the junk wax era. I love the 'V' wrapping around the 'J' to connect the two - even if looking at other signatures available show that's just a coincidence with this one. Considering I got this with Panini Rewards points and didn't know my card would have that - BONUS!
I always feel a little disappointed when a player has a nice signature, but they never get a chance to sign it in the majors. Supak was still doing the minor league thing as of last year, though. 
Every letter individually written? An artistic look to both initials? That's one worth picking up! And he did reach the bigs, resulting in a slight deterioration in auto quality. He's now in  the Athletics system, and I admit I had trouble not writing 'Oakland' for that.

There you have it!

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