Monday 13 May 2024

Finally, a Finale

 I thought I had wrapped up the latest box of goodies from Dennis @ Too Many Manninghams over a month back. Alas, no. I had forgotten about the miscellaneous baseball content I'd set aside, as well as some minis. Lets' fix that!

I put the minis aside with the miscellaneous stuff, to make for easier sorting at the time, and then forgot about them when doing team posts. So, here's a Bo from 2021s 206 release, and a black mini parallel from the same year out of Ginter.

And the Mets that fell into the same category as the Jays. That Alonso is a 1972 Candy Lids parallel out of 2021 Heritage. I love the oddness of it all, and the fact it is my first such card, from any set. 

Ok. These CanCon collection entries were definitely ones that were set aside originally for the misc. finale post.
As were all these Vladdys. Bonus - they're all Expos cards. 

But that was it. Just those and the Walkers. Maybe I knew what I was doing and just put those minis aside so I'd have a little more bulk to the mailer. I've already returned fire somewhat with a not too bulky package, but should probably have a lot more cardboard to be sent out sometime during one of the J months.

There you have it!


  1. I've still got two trade packages from you to cover so it's funny to see these last ones from the last time I sent you a package. At least I just dropped one off today since it was long past my turn to return fire!
