Tuesday 13 August 2024

2024 Adventures in Repacks - Part 21 - Back to the Repack Mines

 It's been over a month since I busted something officially repack related, so I'll remedy that from the Dollarama.

Here's the contents - that 10 card box was the perfect size to hold the mascot relic out of Pro Debut that I posted not that long ago.
Perfectly fine start. I like it when a (relatively) recent grouping includes more cards that aren't flagship. Even if the design/font choices make the name a little challenging to read on the front.
There's nothing but flagship in the (new to me) 2020s pack. But I get a couple anniversary patches, and the Mike Smith gives a nice look at his mask where he enhanced a pretty generic design with the oil derrick down the middle.
The 90s pack was the expected junk wax entry, but in a quest for something interesting, I'm going to highlight the LaFrance. They tried to include a second photo on the back, so what to do when they only have one photo available? 
Just use a cropped photo of a jersey.

It is more interesting than a re-used photo, at least.

There you have it!

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